Looking at consumer electronics inside and out reveal the fingerprints of the designers, clever engineering tricks, and clues to the priorities of the companies that build them.

The Teardown Library is an archive of disassembled products new and old hosted in San Francisco and Boston (and more soon).
We are a community of product designers, engineers and technologists who want to learn from the work of our peers in a hands-on way.
Get hands-on
Feel the materials, study the finishes, see how parts assemble. Get up close and personal with decades of brilliant products.
Be inspired
Products are a treasure trove of clever solutions and ingenious tricks waiting to be uncovered.
Meet fellow practitioners
We’re all out there doing our own research and thought we should share. We learn as much from fellow members as the products themselves.
Become a member
Library members can stop by the locations (San Francisco or Boston) during operating hours and pull a product from the archives.

Tell us a little bit about yourself to get your library card.
Get your library card